
How INNCAT Can Help You

InnCat supports a while range of clients from spins-outs/SMEs to large internationals and Universities.  Each client’s needs are different and so InnCat’s support is tailored. Below is a selection of areas InnCat can support.

Helping to utilise the customers skills and experience and augmenting in order to rapidly develop
novel technology that creates value for the business.

Providing face to face training and materials bespoke to the customers needs in the fields of electric motor control software, motor control systems, how to innovate effectively, and IP generation and protection.

Running sessions helping teams to innovate and capture their IP. Performing initial freedom to operate searches to help companies find their patch within the technology plane. Interfacing with patent attorneys to get the most value and fastest time to application.

Help young companies identify their optimal path forward through facilitated workshops. This may
include the development of a business case, financial model, market research and USP identification given the existing competition.

Bridging both academic research and industrial product development. Supervising PhD research
and supporting the development of future research topics that fit in a timely manner with the
business’s product roadmap.

Facilitating, researching, and generating technology and product roadmaps to support planning, resourcing, and investment.

Providing a pragmatic view and support with Product Safety (including Functional Safety) and New Product Development (NPD) including processes, templates, and documentation at a level suitable for new SMEs.

Why Work With Us?

Providing expert guidance for custom, results-driven business solutions. InnCat brings a wealth of expertise and industry knowledge to help solve your business technology challenges.

Solution focused support: concentrating on moving towards the future that the customer wants rather than focusing on one problem.  Learn what can be done differently by using existing skills, strategies, and ideas.  Developing a bespoke plan of action that motivates your team.  Filling initial skill gaps while upskilling your team via training.

2023: Consulting to over 10 companies and a university. From cosmetics, additive manufacturing, motor control, power electronics, software, motor design to IP protection.

Get Serious About Driving Innovation

Get in touch about your innovation and technology quest. Safe, sustainable and solution focused.